
Easiest way to desolder mouse switches! Fix broken / double clicking mouse switches with this method

Easiest way to desolder mouse switches! I’ve found desoldering to be the hardest part of replacing switches, so I’ve made a video on the method I’ve found works best for removing the old broken switches from the mouse PCB.

My website is ents.win
My twitter is @entsfn
Visit r/mousereview for more info like this!

If you are based in the USA and want me swap switches for you, please visit: http://ents.win/modding-services/

The gear I use for this and other mods:

Screwdriver set https://amzn.to/2H6SIqB
Cutting mat https://amzn.to/2HiQ0yz
Soldering iron https://amzn.to/31AnvE3
JST Crimping tool https://amzn.to/2KH2EJB
Spudgers https://amzn.to/31vQEQG
Solder sucker https://amzn.to/2prNOyw

(gear links are Amazon affiliate links)

Song: Soul by Text Me Records / Grandbankss

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